Academy of Doctors of Audiology
April 01, 2023
Activism in Action: ADA Members and Staff Lead Advocacy Efforts to Conform State Statutes with FDA Regulations for Prescription Hearing Aids
Posted in: All News

February brought with it a flurry of state advocacy activity to update audiology and hearing aid dispensing statutes to conform with newly implemented federal U.S. Food and Drug regulations related to over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids and prescription hearing aids.

ADA members, volunteers, and staff have been working to ensure that much-needed statutory updates are made to audiology practice statutes to include “ordering” and “prescribing” hearing aids/prescription hearing aids. There have been several circumstances where State agencies have attempted to make necessary updates and inadvertently omitted important language, essential to ensure that consumers have uninterrupted access to audiology and hearing aid dispensing services.

ADA members are advised to reach out to ADA headquarters for a review of state legislative language to ensure that it will accomplish its intended purpose. In some cases, ADA and its allies are having to propose urgent, last-minute amendments to bills, which are well intended, but not using appropriate language to achieve the desired outcomes.

View recent testimony for bills in Kentucky, Maryland, and Montana just this past week.

Stephanie Czuhajewski, MPH testifies on behalf of ADA and Emily Childers testifies on behalf of the Kentucky Academy of Audiology (KAA) in support of Kentucky Senate Bill 58 with amendments.

ADA members Alicia Spoor, Au.D., Melissa Segev, Au.D., and Brianna Holton, Au.D. testify on behalf of the Maryland Academy of Audiology (MAA) in support of Maryland Senate Bill 449 with amendments.

Stephanie Czuhajewski, MPH testifies on behalf of ADA in support of Montana Senate Bill 456 with a proposal for amendments.

Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance reviewing proposed legislation, drafting legislation, or advocating in your state.